*EXCURSION – Tuesday 22nd November – Kew Traffic School
*BUDDIES – Tuesday 15th & Thursday 24th November – Oval visit during kinder session
*PARTY DAYS/ LAST DAYS – We will have a few days of games and fun together to celebrate our year. Unfortunately, no sharing of food to occur. Still bring own lunchboxes with a special treat for your child.
Wednesday 14th Dec: Bunjil, Mirram & Bullen Bullen groups
Friday 16th Dec: Gurrborra, Wareen & Mirram groups
*CELEBRATIONS ON THE OVAL – Wednesday 14th December
We would like to invite all families to come along & spend the evening eating and celebrating together.
BYO picnic dinner and drinks ……. 6 – 7:30pm
A small graduation ceremony will occur at 6:30pm.